Exam & Result Management
Exams are an important part of learning as it helps in evaluating progress. But it need not always be the traditional method of giving exams. Institutes have now employed a more effective way of giving exams which is the exam and result management system
This is software that allows institutes to give exams as well as publish results online. These are platforms where students can easily track their scoresheet for all the related exams taken in the institute. This is a modern and smart take on the significant yet time-consuming student result processing system.
Advantages of Using Exam Result Management System
The most important advantage of the student result management system is that it can be used effectively by both the institute as well as the students. There are many ways that the system scores better than the existing system of managing exams.
- With the result management system, all that a test evaluator has to do is enter the marks of the student. The system automatically makes the calculations and generates the report card without any error.
- The result management system automates the process of filling up the report cards. Students and teachers can also take a print of the card with just a click.
- Result management systems can determine faster the percentage of passing students who would be promoted to the next level.